Solo Travel, Explained

with Lexie Alford

58 minutes
15 videos

Learn how to travel solo with the world record holder for youngest person to travel to every country in the world!

About This Course

With the rising popularity of solo travel, more and more people are being called to adventures abroad. It might have you asking: Wait, how do you do that? How do you leave your home behind and experience a whole new place… alone? Solo travel expert, Lexie Alford (@lexielimitless), explains her philosophy to traveling by yourself and teaches you how you can best prepare yourself to take your very own life-changing journey.

What You'll Learn

  • How to research, plan, and make the most out of a solo trip

  • How to navigate communication in places that speak foreign languages

  • Solo travel essentials that are a must-pack

  • Useful tips for trip documentation

  • Safety tips for solo travelers (with female specific advice)

Watch Some Samples

We've pulled out a few clips to give you a better idea of what to expect in the course

Course Breakdown

Chapter 1


Why I Solo Travel

How to Use This Course

The Benefits of Solo Travel

Embracing the Discomfort

My Favorite Places For Solo Travel

Chapter 2

Preparation and Arriving

Planning Your Trip


Some Handy Apps

Chapter 3

Staying Safe

The Do's and Don'ts of Solo Travel

Traveling Solo As a Female

Chapter 4

Traveling Alone

The Ups and Downs

Tours and Meeting People

Where to Stay As a Solo Traveler

Documenting and Sharing Your Trip

Chapter 5



Meet Your Instructor

Lexie Alford

Lexie Alford

Lexie Alford holds the Guinness World Record for being the youngest person to travel to all 196 countries at only 21-years-old. As the daughter of Californian travel agents, she quickly learned clever travel hacks and the best way to build itineraries that eventually helped her break the record. When she’s not jetting to the next far off destination, she’s working as a travel consultant in her family’s agency as well as working as a travel photographer and blogger.

Lexie Alford