Camera Fundamentals
with Johnny & Iz Harris
Learn how a camera works and how to shoot beautiful photos and videos.
About This Course
What is a camera and, more importantly, how do you use one to capture stunning images? In this course, Johnny and Iz explain cameras and how you can best take advantage of them to capture the shots of your dreams. Follow along as they travel across the globe, using fundamental concepts in action as they navigate tricky locations. At the completion of this course, you’ll develop a solid foundation in professional photography and videography as well as a firm understanding of using your camera as a tool.
What You'll Learn
Types of cameras and how to buy the one for you
How a camera works
The Three Pillars of Exposure: Shutter speed, aperture, ISO
Understanding and using different types of lenses
Putting theory and fundamentals into immediate practice
Camera concepts specifically for video
Course Breakdown
Camera Overview

Camera Concepts
Welcome to Camera Fundamentals! To kick off the course, Johnny and Iz Harris cover the basic concept of what a camera is and the difference between old-school film and the image sensors used in today’s digital cameras.

Different Types of Cameras
Johnny Harris covers the different types of digital cameras and how sensors affect the quality of an image.

How to Buy a Camera
In this lesson, Johnny Harris explains what you need to look for and consider when buying a camera.

The Concept of Exposure
Photography and videography are all about capturing light in a controlled way. In this lesson, Iz Harris discusses the concept of exposure and how your image is affected by the amount of light that reaches the sensor.

Three Things that Affect Exposure
Discover what the three pillars of exposure are and how to use your camera’s light meter as a guide when changing settings.
Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed, Explained
In this lesson, Iz Harris gives an overview of shutter speed, the first pillar of exposure. Learn what shutter speed is, how it's measured and how it will affect your final image.

Shutter Speed for Exposure DEMO
Iz Harris takes you into the field and demonstrates how to adjust shutter speed using your light meter to get the right exposure.

Shutter and Blur DEMO
Shutter speed affects more than just exposure. In this lesson, Johnny Harris explains how shutter speed influences motion blur and how it can be applied stylistically.

What You Can and Can't Forget
Iz Harris explains which aspects of shutter speed are important to remember and how you can go about finding your ideal shutter speed.

Aperture, Explained
If shutter speed determines how long your shutter is open, then aperture determines how wide. In this lesson, Johnny Harris unpacks how aperture works and how it affects the images you capture.

Aperture for Exposure DEMO
In this lesson, Johnny Harris takes to the streets of Jerusalem to demonstrate how to use aperture in the field.

What You Can and Can't Forget
Johnny Harris outlines which aspects of aperture are okay to forget, and which are important to remember.

ISO, Explained
In this lesson, Johnny Harris unpacks the final pillar of exposure: ISO. He explains how ISO affects the lightness of your image and when to use it.

ISO and Exposure DEMO
The real practicality of ISO is in low-light photography and videography. This lesson takes you to a night market in India where Johnny Harris gives a demo on how ISO works in practice.

ISO's Dark Side
ISO isn’t the answer to all your low-light problems. In this lesson, Johnny Harris explains the dark side of ISO and how relying on it too much can lead to issues like digital noise.

What You Can and Can't Forget
Learn which aspects of ISO are most important to grasp in your journey of understanding exposure.
How Exposure Works in Real Life

The Importance of Application
Johnny Harris emphasizes the importance of going out and applying your knowledge of aperture, shutter speed and ISO to practice solving the puzzle of exposure.

Exposure Street DEMO 1
In this lesson, Johnny Harris demonstrates how to use shutter speed to get a motion blur effect, while still maintaining proper exposure.

Exposure Street DEMO 2
Johnny Harris demonstrates how and when to use ISO and what happens when you go outside your ISO range.

Checking In... Where we at?
With so many settings to think about, going out and applying the pillars of exposure can be overwhelming. In this lesson, Johnny Harris explains how, when starting out, you only have to adjust one of these settings.
Understanding Lenses

Lenses – An Overview
Iz Harris introduces the concept of lenses and the two most important factors to consider when choosing one: aperture and zoom.

Focal Length
In this lesson, Iz Harris defines the concept of focal length and the different types of zoom lenses.

Prime vs Zoom
Course instructor Iz Harris explains the difference between prime and zoom lenses.

Zoom Lenses
Iz Harris demonstrates the look of the most popular zoom lenses and discusses why many photographers and videographers love using them.

Prime Lenses
Primes lenses have a fixed focal length, but that doesn’t mean they’re inferior to zoom lenses. In this lesson, Iz Harris illustrates the advantages of using a prime lens.

Blur and Bokeh
In this lesson, Johnny and Iz Harris teach you all about the benefits of using a prime lens with a wide aperture and how it allows you to achieve effects like blur and bokeh.
Video-Only Concepts

Frame Rate
In this lesson, Johnny Harris explains the video-only concept of frame rate. He illustrates how frame rate is the key to creating moving images and how you can adjust it to achieve effects like slow motion.

Shutter Speed for Video
In this lesson, Johnny Harris discusses how focal length is used in different filming situations and cautions you on the effect it can have on the shakiness of your shot.

Focal Length for Video

Focus for Video
Autofocus in videos can be finicky, and many videographers rather opt to focus pull manually. This lesson gives an overview of both types of focus in video and when to use them.

Conclusion and Goodbye!
As you finish the course, Johnny Harris encourages you to take what you’ve learned and apply it. You’ve learnt the theory, now go out and practice!
Meet Your Instructors

Johnny & Iz Harris
Johnny & Iz are a husband and wife duo of travel journalists. Together, they travel the world, documenting, telling stories, and sharing them with their audiences. They also work as producers and hosts for Vox Media. Johnny has produced 5 seasons of his show Borders - a deep dive into and human perspective of the many Borders around the globe. Iz has produced two seasons of her series, Travel, Eat, Repeat where she takes on a location, showing it through the lens of the local cuisine. Now, as co-founders of Bright Trip, their mission is to take what they’ve learned and loved in traveling the world, and share that with others - creating a community of enlightened and curious travelers.

Camera Fundamentals
with Johnny & Iz Harris